Prioritise growth
Prioritising skill development is highly beneficial for yourself, your clients and their patients. Taking the time to improve upon your skillset means you have more to offer, as well as being able to streamline workflows within the laboratory.
Having happy clients and an organised workspace enables you to function at your best, and with so many skills you can acquire, staying ahead of the rest is easy.
If you’re thinking about developing any skills, or learning some new ones, here are some tips on how to make it happen.
Always room for development
Dentistry offers so much to professionals, as there are always additional training to take advantage of. However, you may feel that you’re too busy to take on extra right now, or you have concerns as to whether it’ll prove worthwhile. Maintaining high standards for the quality of work is crucial, so learning new, more efficient ways to do so depends on tailoring your education to any specific needs.
Make it possible
Prioritise taking time out of your schedule to think about any development needs: refining your Personal Development Plan (PDP) is a hugely constructive first step. Identify areas where you’re less confident, or highlight topics you’d like to learn more about.
Establish practical ways you can make this possible: for dental technicians who do a lot of aesthetic work, attending a course in shade-taking might be beneficial. By providing work of a high cosmetic quality, you’re ensuring client and patient satisfaction.
If you’re a lab owner, could the laboratory run more efficiently? Taking a course in lab management could help you make the business flow better, without compromising the quality of your services. Better organisation means any staff can work proficiently in a more positive and proactive environment.
You may consider delving into the world of digital dentistry, which has caught momentum in recent years and proves to be a vastly helpful addition to the dental lab workplace. By attending relevant workshops, you can improve many aspects of the workflow through digitalisation. There will be an improvement in the accuracy and speed in which work is produced, as well as swifter communication between technicians and dentists.
Utilise your time
Alongside a demanding work schedule, you may have personal commitments that make managing time tricky. But prioritising growth is fundamental when considering not only professional progress, but ways that you can continue to cater to clients and their patients.
Your personal life shouldn’t have to be put on the backburner, and you may feel that taking on extra will do just that. But by maintaining good time management, you’ll stay on top of your work schedule, be able to enjoy some downtime, and still reap the benefits from any additional training.
Having a mixture of methods means you can pick and choose what best suits you. For example, background reading on a chosen topic is a simple yet effective way to expand upon what you’ve learned on any courses, and is easy to fit around a tight work schedule. Whether it’s on the daily commute, or on a lunch break, every little bit counts.
Due to the pandemic, online learning has taken off and become a convenient way for dental professionals to connect and continue their career development. Take advantage of any webinars provided by the training programme: travelling isn’t an issue, and you won’t be missing out. This blended approach will make it easier to attend major live events when they become available. At such events, you’ll be able to experience hours’ worth of content all in one place, as well as mingle with peers and others in the profession.
Put you and the team ahead of the rest
Next May, the Dental Technology Showcase (DTS) will be providing many opportunities for you to take your career further. Alongside more than 50 esteemed speakers, you’ll be able to take advantage of 40+ hours of free accredited CPD with a host of other dental technicians to network and socialise with. Developing your skillset means you’ll have more to offer and will deliver a higher quality standard to clients.