CPD deadline is looming – are you prepared?
We all know that continuing professional development (CPD) is a vital part of every dental professional’s career. For dental technicians – as is true with all other members of the team – it ensures that individuals are updating their skills and remaining abreast of the latest research pertaining to their work.
Though the profession is generally very good at fulfilling their CPD responsibilities, it was estimated that around 3,000 dental care professionals (DCPs) did not meet the requirements by the August 2021 deadline. With the next closing date looming, it’s important that you are up-to-date with your CPD and have logged everything for this year by 28 August 2022.
Requirement recap
What do you need to show?
• For dental technicians, the requirement is 50 hours of CPD during each five-year cycle, for clinical dental technicians (CDTs) it is 75 hours.
• At least 10 hours of CPD must be completed every two years – so you can’t skip CPD for more than a year at a time.
• When recording everything on the eGDC platform, you’ll need to indicate the GDC development outcomes for each course, programme, editorial etc. you have completed. (The training provider should give you this.)
If you have not yet completed your required hours for good reason, there is the possibility of requesting a grace period from the GDC. Upon approval, this extends your deadline by an additional 56 days so you have time to get up-to-date. The request must be submitted before the original CPD deadline with an explanation as to why you are unable to meet it.
All DCPs also need to have paid their annual retention fee and made an indemnity statement by 31 July 2022.
Be prepared for 2023
To avoid any last minute worry or hassle, make sure you're prepared for the next year in the CPD cycle. Get some courses booked in, mark events on the calendar and set aside some time every month or couple of months to update your eGDC account while you still have the certificates to hand. Booking in advance can save you money in some cases as well, so it’s well worth looking ahead!
Plus, make the most of the free events too. If you attended DTS 2022, you will likely be more than ready for the upcoming CPD deadline. To be just as prepared for next year, make sure you don’t miss DTS 2023! It will be held on Friday 12th and Saturday 13th May at the NEC Birmingham and there will be more than 40 hours of content for you to choose from and ensure a truly personalised learning experience. With hundreds of dental technicians, CDTs, lab owners, product experts and company representatives in attendance, it will be a great opportunity for networking and connecting with the wider profession as well gaining CPD in diverse topics.
Stay ahead of CPD
With so much going on the world, it can be easy to let CPD slip. Prioritise meeting the 2022 deadline and prepare for the year ahead to make it as simple as possible.